Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I Fell of A Mountain

               Hi guys it's me Christian and I wanted to tell you , I FELL OF A Mountain! Yes, yes I know you guys are wondering how I fell off the hill "mountain". And if am ok. One am all right? Well anyway I fell during a game of deer and hunter at camp. ( Also this isn't a boring camp) Deer and hunter is a game were, there are two teams one are the deer and they must hide in the forest. The second team are the hunters and they must hunt and, find the deer and then tag them. But the deer get 10 minutes too hide.     So I was a deer and I was hiding with my friend and I herd some crack so I look around me and there was 5 hunters all around me. So I yell to my friend Justin run, and then I ran as fast as I could because 2 hunters were chasing me. And finally I slid under a tree truck and ran down to lake and hid under a bush.        The I saw 4 other hunters and one woof chasing a guy. A woof is a deer that got tagged by a hunter and they must bark if they see a deer. Then I got found by a woof and he was barking loud so he followed me all the way up to a tall hill. And then a hunter came and tripped on a root and then me and him went rolling down the stip hill hitting roots trees and bark. It hurt a lot I was bleeding a little and he got 5 big cuts on his back. Over all the game was fun. The reason why this story was so segnifaent was because, well one I never thought I would fall of a hill by a person. And two because this was a new experience for me.

Enjoy your summer bye. 
P.S. You should play this game out side.

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